=== Facebook Like Button=== Contributors: Ahmed Hussein Donate link: http://www.ahmedgeek.com/ Tags: Share, Facebook, Button, Like Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 3.2.1 Stable tag: Add the new Facebook Like button and Facebook Recommendations widget to your wordpress blog. == Description == Add Facebook Like Button to your wordpress blog with a lot of customization options, And you can preview the settings at real-time in the settings section. Add the button count, or normal by using short cuts [fb_like] [fb_count]. Add Facebook Recommendations Widget to your blog sidebar or to anywhere using this shortcut [fb_rec]. Mulitple language support, you can change the button language to your language in 3.4! Feature added by anty http://anty.at == Installation == 1. Unzip the file 2. Upload it to wp-content/plugins 3. Activate it from the plugins section == Screenshots == 1. Like Button Settings Section. 2. Inside the post. 3. Recommendations Widget. 4. Facebook Recommendations Settings Section. == Changelog == = 5.9.5 = * Enable or Disable Google Social Tracking. * og:description bug fixed. = = * Google Analytics Social Interaction Tracking Support. = = * Bug Fixes. = 5.9.3 = * Bug Fixes. * Custom Page Type Added. * Disable on Custom Posts. * Custom Post Type Added. = 5.9.2 = * Send Button Added! = 5.9.1 = * Blank Screen Bug Fixed! = 5.9 = * Post thumbnails bug fixed! = 5.7 = * Disabled in Certain Pages Bug Fixed. * Show in home Bug Fixed. * og:description Bug Fixed. = 5.6 = * Ability to disable in certain pages. * More info here: http://blog.ahmedgeek.com/facebook-like-button-v5-0-major-update = 5.5 = * Count Box Layout Has Been Added. * Count Box ShortCut [fb_count_box] Has Been Added. * Full OpenGraph Support. * The Ability To Show The Button in Archive and Categorie Pages. * Button Alignment Options. = 5.2 = * Activation Process Cancelled. = 5.0 = * Admin layout has been redesigned. * Facebook Recommendations has been added. * Facebook Recommendations sidebar widget has been added. * Facebook Recommendations shortcut [fb_rec] has been added. * Customizable Recommendations Widget Title. * Customizable Recommendations Widget Layout Settings. = 4.5 = * Admin layout has been redesigned. = 4.4 = * You can disable the default image option. * og:type = blog added to the home page / og:type = article added to posts and pages. = 4.2 = * Redesigning the admin layout. * Now you can have your API (we gonna use it very soon!). = 4.0.2 = * Adding OpenGraph And Facebook XMLNS automatically. = 4.0 = * PHP 4 support. * Wordpress 3.0 Suppot. * Manuall Possitinning Added. * Facebook Insights support. * og:image support, (Default image when share on Facebook). * Better support for css styling. * All bugs fixed. = 3.8 = * Activation code update,(Activation now done in the cloud)! = 3.7 = * API Keys added (You will need it in future updates). * CSS container class bug fixed. = 3.6 = * Bug Fixed. = 3.5 = * Translation bug fixed.(Tested only on dutch blog but it should work on any blog) = 3.4.1 = * Show faces bug fixed. = 3.4 = * Multiple languages support (By: Anty (http://anty.info)). * Now you can change the font (By: Anty (http://anty.info)). * Code has been rewritten. * Database table removed, Replaced with options to avoid problems. = 3.3 = * og:site_name meta has been added to the header, So now when somebody like your post it's going to apreat on Facebook like that "User Like POSTNAME on SITENAME". = 3.2 = * Bugs fixed. = 3.1 = * Information in the settings page to make easy to the user to add the shortcuts. = 3.0 = * Shortcut added [fb_like] for the normal button and [fb_count] for the count button. * Live preview in the settings section. * Option to hide in the home, pages or posts. = 2.6.0 = * Now you can recreate the database table. * You can adjust the height. * New color Scheme added (evil). = = * Decreasing the height of the container div * No you can like in the home page = 2.5.1 = * Adjust the width * Use custom CSS class = 2.5 = * Layout Settings * Database bugs fixed * Current settings are now displayed. = 2.0 = * XFBML Support * Custom Position inside the content. * Separated section to manage the plugin. == Upgrade Notice == = 2.0 = Add new features and fix some bugs. = 2.5 = Bugs fixed, And some new features = 2.5.1 = New features = = Bugs Fixed and new features. = = Bugs Fixed. = 2.6.0 = * Now you can recreate the database table. * You can adjust the height. * New color Scheme added (evil). = 3.0 = * Shortcut added [fb_like] for the normal button and [fb_count] for the count button. * Live preview in the settings section. * Option to hide in the home, pages or posts. = 3.1 = * Information in the settings page to make easy to the user to add the shortcuts. = 3.3 = * og:site_name meta has been added. = 3.4 = * Multiple languages support (By: Anty (http://anty.info)). * Now you can change the font (By: Anty (http://anty.info)). * Code has been rewritten. * Database table removed, Replaced with options to avoid problems. = 3.4.1 = * Show faces bug fixed = 3.5 = * Multiple languages but fixed. = 3.6 = * Bug Fixed. = 3.7 = * API Keys added (You will need it in future updates). * CSS container class bug fixed. = 3.8 = * Activation code update,(Activation now done in the cloud)! = 4.0 = * PHP 4 support. * Wordpress 3.0 Suppot. * Manuall Possitinning Added. * Facebook Insights support. * og:image support, (Default image when share on Facebook). * Better support for css styling. * All bugs fixed. = 4.0.2 = * Adding OpenGraph And Facebook XMLNS automatically. = 4.2 = * Redesigning the admin layout. * Now you can have your API (we gonna use it very soon!). = 4.4 = * You can disable the default image option. * og:type = blog added to the home page / og:type = article added to posts and pages. = 4.5 = * Admin layout has been redesigned. = 5.0 = * Admin layout has been redesigned. * Facebook Recommendations has been added. * Facebook Recommendations sidebar widget has been added. * Facebook Recommendations shortcut [fb_rec] has been added. * Customizable Recommendations Widget Title. * Customizable Recommendations Widget Layout Settings. = 5.2 = * Activation Process Cancelled. = 5.5 = * Count Box Layout Has Been Added. * Count Box ShortCut [fb_count_box] Has Been Added. * Full OpenGraph Support. * The Ability To Show The Button in Archive and Categorie Pages. * Button Alignment Options. = 5.6 = * Ability to disable on certain pages. * More info here: http://blog.ahmedgeek.com/facebook-like-button-v5-0-major-update = 5.7 = * Disabled in Certain Pages Bug Fixed. * Show in home Bug Fixed. * og:description Bug Fixed. = 5.8 = * Post thumbnails bug fixed! = 5.9 = * Post thumbnails bug fixed! = 5.9.1 = * Blank Screen Bug Fixed! = 5.9.2 = * Send Button Added! = 5.9.3 = * Bug Fixes. * Custom Page Type Added. * Disable on Custom Posts. * Custom Post Type Added. = = * Bug Fixes. = = * Google Analytics Social Interaction Tracking Support. = 5.9.5 = * Enable or Disable Google Social Tracking. * og:description bug fixed.